Sunday, February 19, 2012

40 reasons I love you

I saw this idea on several blogs/sites on the web so I haven't put a link up because they are easy to find.

Usually this is 52 reasons, as you use a whole deck of cards. I bought a different type of deck (having been in a rush and not paying attention) I also had a very limited time frame. I believe if I had more time to come up with more reasons I could have easily found 52, but as it was, looking for inspiration I found mostly romantic reasons. This is so NOT what I was looking for as my book went to my 9yr old son! I think I came up with some great reasons, a lot that were very specific to him and our relationship. His favorite was that he's cute. ;~). It may only be 40 reasons, but I think they are great reasons. And I meant every one of them.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Well, I have to admit that I haven't been incorporating art into my life the last few weeks as I had hoped when I started on this part of my journey.

Most of my time has either been working, or more importantly, being with Will. He has spent more time playing than wanting to create art.

Two days ago he went to the hospital where he will be for about two months. While visiting yesterday we talked about drawing, he said he's drawn some Mario pictures for his walls and asked me to draw him some pictures for his walls. This is what I brought him today. Can't show you a picture of them on his walls, as there are no cameras (or anything) allowed on the ward.

He seemed happy to have them and his roommate liked the Pokemon Togapi the best. ;-)