Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas treats

What have I done this year for Christmas you ask? Well, I've already shown you the ornaments I made this year, the quilled snowflakes. Well, that isn't all I've been busy making...

I've made some exploding boxes- a great way to show case pictures you want to share with others.

I've also been baking cookies, (sugar and all natural dog treats) making chocolate covered pretzels (Wills favorite!),chocolate candy cane hearts, and Will and I put together a gingerbread house. I will say that this was the most challenging by far. It kept falling apart and when all was said and done it looked nothing like the houses on the box which was slightly disappointing although it is great to see Will planning out how he will decorate each part. So very worth it!

Also- the last picture is of the ornament Will made for his teachers and family. It's a melted snowman. He was so excited to make it as it was so simple to make.

What do you enjoy making at Christmas time?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas ornaments

Every year I give my family hand made ornaments for their trees. Last year I cut out paper snowflakes (like when I was little only good ones ;~}) and laminated them.

The year before I crocheted snow mice, snowmen, Santas, penguins and Christmas trees.

This year while pondering what I would be inspired to create my professional life fell apart. I ended up being pulled from my houses and put into other houses. I ended up working with one of the most creative/crafty people I know. She introduced me to the art of quilling.

So, I am making snowflakes by quilling. I think they are very unique, delicate and beautiful. What do you think?

Saturday, December 8, 2012


I have been having a lot of fun creating lately. I have been making Christmas presents for my family and ornaments. I will post pictures of all of this soon, but for now I wanted to tell you about an app I have been using on my iPad. It is Paper 53. I have been having such a great time drawing/painting on this app. If you own an iPad and like to create I highly recommend it! Even my son got in on the action.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lego inspired advent calendar

I wanted to make an advent calendar this year. I think it was because I haven't been very creative lately and I want to get back to my creative side.

I searched the Internet for fun calendars and came across Paper Plate and Plane blog. She came up with a template for Lego inspired boxes. I made them in red, green and yellow. It was a little time consuming and tedious, but I like how it turned out. Not all the pieces interlock as I would like, but I think that was my placement of the dots.

I'm also not sure this is an advent calendar that will be sustainable for years to come but that's ok. I just wanted something a little different for a change.

Here is the template I used with the blogs address in case you want to go over and check out her tutorial (I can't add a link from my phone :( sorry). The next picture is of the numbered boxes seperated. The last picture is of the boxes put together.

I wasn't sure how I wanted to present the the blocks. I decided that I would let my son find the numbered blocks and build the tree as he goes along.....

Do you use an advent calendar? What kind do you use?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I love Halloween. There is just something about being able to dress up and pretend to be someone or something you are not. For one night you can be ANYTHING you want to be.

Plus there's candy.....lots and lots of candy.

Now, obviously I have long passed the days when I can go trick or treating I take my son and watch while he gets the bag full of candy. Then I get to be the bad guy and dole out the candy over the next month (while secretly sneaking a piece here and there. Shhh...don't tell)

I still enjoy dressing up though. I swear I will never get to old for that. Last year I was a lady bug. This year??? Well, I compliment my son and his costume. That's all I'm saying.

Now, the other reason I love Halloween is for the pumpkins. I love to carve pumpkins. I always have. I've done some intricate ones and silly ones in the past. This year is the first year my son has shown any interest in carving a pumpkin. We did ours freestyle this year, so they are pretty basic but still lots of fun.

Will refused to scoop out the "guts" as they were too slimy for his liking but he actually helped with the carving. And as a bonus: I have a bag of roasted pumpkin seeds- yummy

Happy Halloween everyone!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What to do with duck tape

I've been less than creative lately and I want to change that. Part of the problem is that all my stuff is so scattered in my house that it's hard to know what I have and get really inspired. I've also just been really busy with other aspects of my life.

Today however, I decided to grab my duck tape and get a little creative. I took black and white tape and made this wallet and purse. (the purse came out so great it almost looks like patent leather!)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Portland Headlight

I work every Sunday with 2 lovely ladies. They bring me joy and entertainment whenever I see them. However, trying to get them motivated to do anything can be like pulling teeth. They want to relax and not do anything on Sunday's. Last year I was able to motivate them by going on "photo shoots" and putting together photo albums for their parents.

Considering they have NOT been motivated all summer, imagine my surprise when they wanted to go out today for a walk at Fort Williams. So we hopped in the car and off we went! Here are a few of the pictures I took. Have a beautiful day everyone.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The beauty around us

I just wanted to share some of the beautiful pictures I have been able to take this summer. I hope you've been able to get out and enjoy the beauty around you as well