Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I love Halloween. There is just something about being able to dress up and pretend to be someone or something you are not. For one night you can be ANYTHING you want to be.

Plus there's candy.....lots and lots of candy.

Now, obviously I have long passed the days when I can go trick or treating I take my son and watch while he gets the bag full of candy. Then I get to be the bad guy and dole out the candy over the next month (while secretly sneaking a piece here and there. Shhh...don't tell)

I still enjoy dressing up though. I swear I will never get to old for that. Last year I was a lady bug. This year??? Well, I compliment my son and his costume. That's all I'm saying.

Now, the other reason I love Halloween is for the pumpkins. I love to carve pumpkins. I always have. I've done some intricate ones and silly ones in the past. This year is the first year my son has shown any interest in carving a pumpkin. We did ours freestyle this year, so they are pretty basic but still lots of fun.

Will refused to scoop out the "guts" as they were too slimy for his liking but he actually helped with the carving. And as a bonus: I have a bag of roasted pumpkin seeds- yummy

Happy Halloween everyone!

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