Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall Harvest Festival

My son's school has a Fall Harvest Festival every year.  This is to raise money for the schools PTA.  I've never been able to go but it looks like they have some wonderful things going on there.  I do know that every year each classroom is in charge of a themed basket to be raffled (auctioned?) off.  I try to help out with this every year, some years I can't afford anything, didn't think I would be able to help out this year until I saw the theme.  I was so excited!!!  It is a spa basket.  Everything to do with pampering yourself.  At first I thought: I'll give a gift certificate for a free 1 hour massage.  I mean I am a LMT and it would be for a great cause. My son's education and that of all the other kids there.  Well, I decided against that because I've been struggling lately and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to offer the highest healing and intent with my massage.  (I have a feeling it will be a while before I'm feeling confident that my clients will be offered that.  So I don't feel it's right to offer a possible mediocre massage.) 
So what to do??  I really think this is my forte.  If I had paid more attention earlier to the themes I could have made a whole bunch of stuff.  As it was, I've been so preoccupied with my own life that I left it to the last minute.  This is where divine intervention happened.  I  found a few inexpensive facial masks at the store.  I also happened to be surfing all the blogs that I now follow, and was led to a site that had simple recipes from ingredients I have in my kitchen.  Perfect!  So I made some of the most amazing sugar scrubs I have ever used.  Yes, I made enough for me to have some too.  I made a brown sugar and vanilla scrub that smells wonderful, however I have to say my favorite of the 2 I made is the peppermint sugar scrub.  Wow, it smells so good.  The funny thing about them is they are all natural and edible.  I have to confess to trying just a dab of both.  Yup, peppermint won out big time!
I forgot to take pictures, but as these will also be Christmas presents for family and friends, have no fear.  If you want to see the end results (including the clumsy packaging)  I will be sharing in the near future.  I don't want to make them up in advance as the only preservative is some vitamin E, so I don't really know the shelf life.  ( I don't think that will be a problem, if people enjoy them as much as I have the last few nights.  Wow, what soft skin I have now! )  Yum, peppermint.......;-)
And if you are a family member reading this or a close friend, act surprised!  Trust me you'll love it.

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