Monday, October 31, 2011

My new hat-ette

So, I was over at  delia creates   where I got this really cute idea for a hat.  I didn't have the items she called for in her instructions so I went with what I had.  I think it still came out cute, maybe not as cute as Delia's though.  Here's where I went:

and here's what I made:

Sorry, I didn't get a real model to wear it.  Will refused, and so did I.  Just realized I forgot the stem, I guess when I picked this one the stem didn't come with it. 
My son Will was making light sabers while I made this little hat-ette, then we went for a walk in the neighborhood.
I love burning bushes in the fall, ours always seems to be late in turning red, but it's catching up.

Reminds me of Christmas and how life should be

I just thought this was interesting.  Will did not share my enthusiasm for stopping to take this picture.  He thought I was weird.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Christmas card

Sorry, this has been a very busy week. I haven't managed to do much in the way of art, however I did manage this cute little Christmas card. Now I just have to make an envelope.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Book forest

I have been making more of these book trees.  It may not be a forest yet, but maybe someday soon....

I have also made a couple of cute cards this week ( while at work)

I know it's nothing like a traditional Halloween card, but Will doesn't do scary and I figured the greens and purples were enough to tie it into Halloween with the "Boo" on the card right?

I just loved this picture, and decided I had to do something with it, What do you think?
And lastly, again while at work I made a book frame.  I love these, they come out looking so beautiful and the possibilities are endless....

My son Will and his friend this summer at the Wild Life Park.

I love it when I find the right book.  Even if you can't, you can cover the book with paper or fabric which is very easy to do.  This just called for a simple embellishment of a forget-me-not.
Where is your creativity taking you this week?

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I have stress in my life, ok, who doesn't?  Well, one thing I decided this summer was I wanted a zen garden.  Where to put it?  How could I afford what I wanted?  Well, I decided to go miniature.  My son and I collect rocks, I particularly look for heart rocks, but if something strikes my fancy I'll grab it too.
Preacher stand
One of my favorite places on earth is my camp.  This place is my "safe place" it is where I go to find peace, heal my soul, and be with God.  While my son and I were there this summer, and at the beach nearby, we collected rocks.  I started to have an idea: I can have a zen box.  When we got home from our week away from the world we set about creating our little piece of heaven.  We got a couple of plain wooden boxes from a craft store, painted them white, Will colored his, I used stickers with inspirational sayings.  Then we filled our boxes with sand (mine is multicolored to remind me of all the elements of camp and the beach) combed the sand with a fork--it's all I had-- and placed our rocks.  Here is my little zen garden in a box, whenever I feel stressed I look in my box and imagine I'm back in that peaceful spot.

I kept my cover very simple

These are 2 of the sides, can you tell I love dragonflies?

This is my zen.  I have blue for the water, tan for the beach/earth, and green for all the trees.
Where do you find your zen?

Book Tree

I found this idea on one of the blogs that I follow,     If you like mine, you should check her out!  I guarantee you'll love her blog!

I think my next one will have a star on top.
The funny part is that the book I used is A Christmas Carol.  I want to get different sized books and make a forest for Christmas.
Today my son and I have been busy making Halloween candy too.  Will made little pumpkins and I made some "leaf bark"  I made 2 different kinds.  Milk chocolate with toasted coconut, and milk chocolate with toffee bits.  Not sure which sounds better, might have to try both!!  Yum.....

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New stuff to come!

I'm currently working on Christmas presents, I look forward to sharing very soon. But until then, I have been taking more autumn pictures from around this beautiful area that we live and call home.  I am truly blessed.

This was on my way to work.  I thought the tree looked so interesting through the rain on my windshield

I am in love with the marshes this autumn.

I was early to work so I stopped in a little parking lot by a cemetery.  I decided on a whim to drive into the cemetery and found this little piece of heaven bringing me right up to the marshes.  Have I mentioned that I love the marshes?

This was an unexpected little bridge at Maine Audubon while my son and I were taking a little walk before visiting with Granny.                                                                                                                                                                         
Where did you find beauty this week?  Did you take the time to marvel at the beauty that's all around?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This is my favorite time of year.  There are many reasons picking apples, the color of the leaves, the cool temperatures, but most of all because I feel closest to my grandmother.  You see, this was her favorite time of the year too.  I have so many memories of fall days spent with her doing all manner of things around the farm from harvesting the garden for the last time, closing the pool for the winter, watching her bake and can food, but my favorite was raking leaves.  This may sound strange, but they had a large farm and a lot of trees.  Why would I enjoy the hard work you ask?  Well, one: I loved helping my grandmother, two: I was spending time with her and anytime I was spending time with her was wonderful, three: lots of trees= lots of leaves= large piles of leaves to jump in!!!  My grandfather also had a dump truck that we would fill with the leaves when we were done frolicking in the leaves ( and re-raked), then my cousins and I would climb into the back with all the leaves and take the ride out to the compost pile where we would be dumped out with the leaves.  Probably not something that would be approved of now, but so much fun then!
So breathtaking


I love when one tree just pops from all that green

I've been driving around the last week looking for the colors.  I was amazed, I took a long drive one day feeling very disappointed seeing very few colors other than green, then the very next day taking the same drive the riot of color was astounding.  Then had changed over night.  Then later in the day I was content driving by a bonfire and smelling that indescribable scent in the air.
What is your favorite season?

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I have tried my hand at canning for the very first time this fall.  It is very exciting.  I have to admit to the very real satisfaction to hearing that "pop" when the jar seals.  I have been making mustard pickles for a few years now, but it is just not the same.  For those who do not know, mustard pickles are a VERY strong pickle, and are not for the feint of heart.
This year I picked many peaches from a tree at one of the homes that I work in.  Then I thought......what now?  I was looking at one of the blogs I follow:    she posted about canning, I thought I'd give it a try.  I did not follow her exact instructions as I was not just canning the peaches, but decided to try my hand at peach jam, but she did give me the desire to try.
To date, I have made 14 jars of pickles, keeping 6 for myself, 10 small jars of peach and honey jam, 2 jars of peach/brown sugar sauce, 2 jars of peach/cinnamon sauce, and now 6 small and 1 pint sized jar of apple cider glaze.  I must say I am quite proud of myself, and just wait till I make my homemade Christmas presents!
So it started by seeing these delicious peaches on the tree.

Here is the peach/brown sugar sauce I made.

This is the apple cider glaze I just finished canning.  Here they will sit for the next 12 hours to finish the sealing process.  I've already heard my first 'pop' from this bunch!

And here are all the jars of pickles, sauce and jams I have accrued over the last couple of weeks.  Yum.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wedding gift

I know I've already talked about my brother's wedding, and if you read my other blog (which you probably don't, and I understand, really I do.)  It was simply the most beautiful experience I've ever been an part of, including my own.  But what I really want to share with you is my wedding gift to them.  I know that Meg likes neutral colors.  (I mean REALLY likes neutral)  Well, I like to crochet, and wanted to give them something unique and special for them, and them alone.  I think it turned out pretty nice, what do you think?

It's a twin size afghan.  Made out of Lionbrand Homespun yarn.  I think this is the softest yarn to work with.  Everything else I buy feels soft until I use it and then it loses something in translation.  The colors I used were deco, cream and barley.
Then there was the card I made them.  I am no painter by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a book called Taking Flight.  This book gives great ideas and techniques that I tried to put to use with this card.  I hope you like it.  I originally started out to paint generic people, but as they took shape they gave me a hint of my brother and Meg.  (granted the groom looks more like Joshua than the bride looks like Meg, but there is a similarity to them.)

I even gave the groom one blue eye and one brown eye, just like my brother. Again, if you look at their picture in the bottom right corner of the card, it is certainly not an exact likeness, but the hint of one is there I think......... I love creating, how about you?

Monday, October 3, 2011


I spent the weekend in York Beach Maine for a very beautiful wedding.  I drove down early in the day for a couple of reasons, one: I wanted to be there to offer help to my brother and Meghan if they needed someone to help with last minute details etc. and two: I wanted to take a look around York Beach area for photo opportunities.  As you might assume, I've been a little bit interested in taking pictures lately.  My first and somewhat unfortunately only stop was Nubble lighthouse.  I fell in love with the place instantly.  There were many people sitting quietly on benches that were scattered around, and many climbing the rocks looking for that perfect picture, as I was.  I was able to help a family by taking their picture so they could all be in it, and then I was on my way.  Above is a picture of the lighthouse itself which is on it's own little island.
However, I was also fascinated by the ocean and the rocks below me.  Here are some of the pictures I took of the waves crashing and swirling below me.

I did also manage a very quick stop at Long beach on the other side of York Beach when I got lost on my way to the light house.  I got this great picture with a yellow lab running on the beach, unfortunately I missed the picture of the tiny dog giving chase.  I was already in my car and turned in the right direction.
Ah well, and life goes on.  While running errands with my brother we drove by Long beach again and did see this peculiar sight:
There were actually about 50 people skiing on the beach.  It was so surprising that I rolled down my window and snapped this picture as we were driving past.
What have you seen lately that has surprised you lately?