Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This is my favorite time of year.  There are many reasons picking apples, the color of the leaves, the cool temperatures, but most of all because I feel closest to my grandmother.  You see, this was her favorite time of the year too.  I have so many memories of fall days spent with her doing all manner of things around the farm from harvesting the garden for the last time, closing the pool for the winter, watching her bake and can food, but my favorite was raking leaves.  This may sound strange, but they had a large farm and a lot of trees.  Why would I enjoy the hard work you ask?  Well, one: I loved helping my grandmother, two: I was spending time with her and anytime I was spending time with her was wonderful, three: lots of trees= lots of leaves= large piles of leaves to jump in!!!  My grandfather also had a dump truck that we would fill with the leaves when we were done frolicking in the leaves ( and re-raked), then my cousins and I would climb into the back with all the leaves and take the ride out to the compost pile where we would be dumped out with the leaves.  Probably not something that would be approved of now, but so much fun then!
So breathtaking


I love when one tree just pops from all that green

I've been driving around the last week looking for the colors.  I was amazed, I took a long drive one day feeling very disappointed seeing very few colors other than green, then the very next day taking the same drive the riot of color was astounding.  Then had changed over night.  Then later in the day I was content driving by a bonfire and smelling that indescribable scent in the air.
What is your favorite season?

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